Go to the God's Squad International web site God`s Squad CMC Melbourne
God`s Squad CMC Melbourne
Sun - 22 Dec - 11:07 pm
A brief history of God`s Squad CMC
A list of the God`s Squad CMC Chapters
Please read and/or sign our Guestbook
A small gallery of God`s Squad CMC Melbourne photos
Get in contact with God`s Squad CMC Melbourne or any of the other chapters
Links to other God`s Squad Chapters and other links of interest
What`s coming up?
What`s this God stuff all about?
Frequently asked questions


What now?

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If you would like to know more about God and how he showed his love to us through Jesus, click here to get in contact with us.

If you would like we can send you a pocket size copy of the New Testament (the part of the Bible that talks about the life of Jesus and what happened after that) at no cost to you.

God bless you.

God's Squad CMC Melbourne

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