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God`s Squad CMC Melbourne
Sun - 22 Dec - 12:59 am
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God`s Squad CMC Melbourne 2008 Guestbook

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Here's praying for God's blessing upon you (the Mother chapter), your families & friends for 2009. L&R
Andrew Jones - God's Squad - Nominee
Launceston Australia 30 Dec 2008 4:59 pm

Love and greetings to all in the Mother Chapter and your families this Christmas season. Peace, grace, mercy, justice . . . be within you on the road this coming year.
SEAN - European President / Int'l VP - GSCMC International
http://www.godssquad.org.uk Wales 26 Dec 2008 9:34 am

Dear brothers and sisters around the world

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.

The German brothers and families.

love & respect
acting president
GSCMC Germany
- prospect chapter -
Helmut - GSCMC Germany
http://gscmc.com/ Germany 24 Dec 2008 11:22 pm

Best Wishes to our Victorian Brothers and your families for Christmas and the New Year. Have a safe and happy festive season and God Bless.
With Respect from your Sydney Brothers,
President GSCMC Sydney
Dave GSCMC Sydney
23 Dec 2008 9:42 pm

Merry christmas and a blessed new years from the finnish brothers. Love&Respect.
Isak - GSCMC
Finland 18 Dec 2008 7:13 am

We in God's Squad cmc Norway.
Wish you all a merry x-mas and a happy new year.
God's Squad cmc Norway.
Roger - GSCMC
http://www.godssquad.org Norway 18 Dec 2008 2:35 am

Just wishing all the brothers in Melbourne and Northern Vic chapters a great Christmas and all the very best for 2009. Hope to see some of you up here in the Northern Hemisphere during 2009.
Love & Respect
God's Squad CMC United Kingdom
Howie - God's Squad CMC United Kingdom
http://www.godssquad.org.uk Manchester UK 11 Dec 2008 11:07 pm

Congratulations Micro. Great to see you back in the Chapter and with such a radical bike!! I'm sure you will be a great asset to Squad. Its been a real pleasure getting to know you, Kath and the kids. Looking forward to many kms on the road with you and that mean machine.
Peter Hilton - GSCMC Melbourne
Australia 4 Nov 2008 10:09 pm

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