Go to the God's Squad International web site God`s Squad CMC Melbourne
God`s Squad CMC Melbourne
Mon - 20 Jan - 2:26 am
A brief history of God`s Squad CMC
A list of the God`s Squad CMC Chapters
Please read and/or sign our Guestbook
A small gallery of God`s Squad CMC Melbourne photos
Get in contact with God`s Squad CMC Melbourne or any of the other chapters
Links to other God`s Squad Chapters and other links of interest
What`s coming up?
What`s this God stuff all about?
Frequently asked questions


Still on the road .....

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The Melbourne chapter's founding President, John Smith, said these words on the occasion of the chapter's 25th Anniversary back in 1997. They continue to sum up well the mood, ethos and motivation behind God's Squad Christian Motorcycle Club internationally.

"God's Squad has flown it's colours in Melbourne for 25 years - in Sydney a bit longer. Some faces have changed. Brisbane, Sydney and Western Australian chapters have come and gone to be replaced by Tasmanian (Launceston), New Zealand and a new Brisbane chapter, as well as flying colours again in Sydney and in the United Kingdom.

The logo and club colours of God's Squad CMC are copyright and registered as a trade mark. Reproduction without the prior consent from God's Squad CMC
is strictly forbidden. This website is a compilation of information which is protected by copyright. Unauthorised redistribution or diffusion of this is prohibited.
© 2004-2025 God's Squad Christian Motorcycle Club. All rights reserved. Email: .